Monday, December 28, 2015

Gift Card Envelopes

Hello again!  I hope you are still doing well!  Well, if you have not had this happen you are "lucky"!  Several years ago, my family was celebrating Christmas with over 15 people in one room opening gifts and gift wrap was a flying.  In all the excitement, my dad misplaced his gift card from us and it got mixed in with the gift wrap and was thrown away, and wasn't missed until days later and the trash was already disposed of.  So since then I have been making some kind of envelope to help the gift cards to be a bit bigger and less likely to be lost.  This is what I came up with for this year.  Very simple and quick to make.  The bow was made using my envelope punch board!  I love that thing!  Everyone that got one, loved the packaging and the contents inside, of course!  And as far as I know, no one lost their gift card!  Woohoo!  Success!

Thank you again for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful new year filled with lots of joy and blessings!

2015 Thanksgiving Craft-Coasters

Hello my crafting friends!  I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Our holiday season was extremely busy but full of fun and great memories!  This post is about my craft that I chose to do this year for my family, we exchange crafts on Thanksgiving Day!  I did coasters!  A little bit of paper, a little bit of cutting on my Cricut Explore, a little bit of decoupage and a little bit of clear acrylic finish, and boom, it is done!  Note:  Get yourself a good quality acrylic finish that is water proof and doesn't yellow.  Don't do cheap quality.  I have had to learn the hard way.  Ugh!  In this case you get what you pay for.  The acrylic I got was cheap and has yet to cure and harden.  So if they are not packed away, with parchment paper to keep them from sticking they will stick to each other and be ruined.   I used a roll of cork and cut to the size of the tile for the backing to keep them from scratching the table that they may be placed on and attached it with just your normal craft glue.  Either way, this is what they looked like as they were "drying" from the acrylic finish.
Thanks for stopping in and I hope you have a fabulous new year in 2016!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dapper Birthday

This was for my wonderful Father in law's  birthday! He is such a loving and kind man. We are so blessed to have him as a big part of our lives. 
This card was a quick and simple card to make. I am pleased how it turned out. The hardest part was picking out the papers! Does anyone else have that problem? :-/
Thanks for stopping by and
I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Updated Glass Blocks

I have had these glass blocks for years. In fact the taller one my hubby drilled the hole in the block for the lights, long before they sold them in stores already drilled. Both were done up with ribbon to make them look like gifts. So I decided it was time for an update using my Cricut Explore and some vinyl! They are not perfect, but I love how well they turned out!

Thanks so much for stopping in! 
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season! 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Detailed Birthdays

Hello!  I have been busy again, but nope not on Christmas cards this year!  This year we did something a little special with our Christmas cards, and did some family portrait cards.  Does that mean that I will not do any Christmas cards at all.  I am not sure, we shall see.  I guess you will have to watch and see what happens!  :-) 
Anyways, I made two different cards for my parents, whose birthdays are about a week apart from each other. I went for the detailed images that are free right now on Cricut Design Space, and I have always wanted to do a hot air balloon and a bike image too. They are not perfect, but I am pretty happy with how they turned out.  I love the soft muted colors I chose.  Plus if you did not notice the bike card is a shaker card too!  Anyways, they were a little tricky to do up because of all of the detailed cuts, but very cute too.

Thanks for stopping in today and 
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Retro Birthday!

Hello again!  I have been busy in my craft room making my Thanksgiving crafts but I did have time to squeeze in to make a fun birthday card for my sister!  I love the Cricut Suburbia Cartridge, and have never really used it, until now!  I love the retro look of this fun card.  Classy, and just plain fun! Well, I got to get back to work on my craft and another birthday card.  See you all soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by! 
I hope you have a fabulous day!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Baby Rattle Shaker Card

Hello! I am back at it again, making cards!  I am trying to decide weather or not to make a bunch of Christmas cards again or not.  I have a ton of things going on in my life right now, like kids and sports, and trying to run a wonderful business, and life in general.  Anyways, it has been a long time since I have had the joy of making a sweet baby card. So I went all out and made a fun interactive card. I really love shaker cards so very much!   They are so much fun to make, and they are fun to play with too.  This one was made for a young couple, who about a year ago, was pregnant with twins, and God chose to keep them safe in His arms in heaven.  So again He has blessed them with the gift of life with a sweet baby girl, who is about to make her entrance into the world.  So I am praying that all goes well for momma and baby.  I can't wait to meet her!  Her grandma is my sweet neighbor, and I know she is so excited.  Anyways, here is the cute little baby rattle shaker card I made for them to go along with their baby gift!

Thanks for stopping by again! 
I hope you have a fantastic day!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

50th Wedding Anniversary

Hello!  I am sorry, I have gone missing for quite some time.  Life for me this year has been extremely busy, with a 16th birthday party, a graduation, and open house, and then a surprise 50th anniversary year has consisted of many parties!  Anyways, the Surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary party was for my parents.  They are such special people in my life, and so many others. They are such a Godly example of what love is about.  Their marriage is not perfect, but it has been filled with so many blessing and wonderful memories and joy.  Anyways, my 2 sisters and I, along with our families, were able to pull off a Huge surprise for our parents, we surprised them with a Surprise party and then a few weeks later sent them off on a trip to Oregon, to visit some friends, that they thought that they would never get to go see.  It was a lot of work, but Oh so much fun and rewarding to do this for them.  They greatly deserved it, and needed it too.  They were stunned and totally surprised by it all.  Even down to being on their trip, they still were in disbelief that this all took place.  What a joy!  :-)  I am so glad we got to honor our parents in this way.  We even hired a professional photographer too!  Anyways, this card is a pop-up box card, that I made and was able to slip into their suitcase right before they left on their trip.  They were totally surprised!  This year has been full of surprises for them!  :-)  I love how this card turned out, simple yet elegant, with the touch of gold for it being their 50th, and the splash of blue from their wedding colors.   I am so eager for them to share their pictures and stories about their trip!

The shoes were for the "Shoe Game" where they both had one of each shoe, and answered questions, of who is most likely to... then they would raise the shoe that it pertained to.  That caused a lot of smiles and laughter from all 100+ guests!  What great time!
They are still very much in love!
 Anyways, thank you all for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Nerf Birthday

Okay, this is the last post for the day!  This was for my wonderful son!  He recently turned 16 years old!  Where does the time go?  Really?  I cannot believe that my boy is now 16!  I grew up with only sisters, so he is the only boy, (besides my dad and my hubby), in my life.  So I love watching him grow up and change.  I love seeing the changes that he is going thru, like that facial hair!  That one cracks me up!  I was more the "tomboy" in my family of all girls, so him and I really do connect in so many ways.  He has a large obsession with Lego's and Nerf!  So we had a blast for his 16th party and had a large Nerf War with his basketball team, friends and family.  He has always wanted to have a big party with a Nerf was, so we fulfilled that dream!  Almost all of his basketball team came.  So we had a nice crowd, for some b-ball and Nerf wars!  Woohoo!  It was so much fun!  He will have great memories of that for many years to come.  Anyways, I made this card for him, complete with the Nerf "swoosh" logo, and Nerf darts!  Do you see them?  I think it turned out pretty good! 

Thanks for checking out all these posts, and I hope you have a day filled lots of joy and blessings!

Umbrella Shower

So this cute little card was made for my niece who we had to have a bridal shower for, before she and her hubby leave us soon.  She is already married due to his military deployment, so we decided to have a shower before he comes back and they officially start their lives together.  We would not want to send them off with nothing to start their home with.  Anyways, here is the card I made for her!  It really is a simple yet pretty card that could easily be used for a baby shower, depending on the gender of the baby you could just simply change the colors of the paper and such!

Isn't it pretty! 
Well, thank you for taking a look around and I hope you have a fantastic day!

Basket Ball Coach!

This card was made for my son's Basketball coach.  He has been a great teacher and very patient with all of the team.  This was his last year coaching the boys.  He is passing the torch onto another dad to take over the team!  We are sad to see him go, but also looking forward to what the future may hold for the team and my son.  Either way, I wanted to make his card extra special/fancy!  So I did a Shaker/pop-up card!  LOL  Take a look!

I think this card turned out really good!
Anyways, thanks again for stopping in and seeing what I have been creating!

13 Birthday Candles Bendy Card

GSo I made this cute bendy card for my sweet, smiley girl who just turned 13!  Where does the time go?  My baby is now a teenager!  Wow!  She is growing up and is so pretty and is always smiling and is always the first one to laugh!  She bring such joy and laughter to our family!  I love this girl! 
This was my second but my first attempt at making a bendy card completely on my Cricut Explore!  What a wonderful machine and program!  Anyways, here is what I came up with for her!

Thanks for coming by! I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Garden Bendy Card

Okay, this one was a bit of a challenge for me, yet so fun to make.  This was my first attempt at making a bendy card.  I made this one for my sweet SIL, who is so kind and thoughtful.  She introduced me and my family to an amazing business that has life changing, all natural products.  What an amazing thing!  I have joined her and her family in a journey to better health.  In the past year, my health and asthma has improved and I have finally been able to have a GREAT report form my "Lung" Dr.  Who was impressed with my health improvement.  These amazing health products/supplements have saved my nieces life, too.  The products are all Natural and are changing lives drastically for the better and it is diabetic safe. Actually, it was originally made for people with diabetes and they found so many happy side effects, caused from these amazing products.  Side effects like, weight loss, joint pain improvement/gone, IBS gone, planters fasciitis gone, fibromyalgia gone...the list of testimonies just goes on. Anyways, you are probably wondering what this company's name is and what it is all about!  It is a relatively new company and it is exploding in its growth so fast!  This amazing company is called, Plexus!  I love what their products are and that they are ALL NATURAL!  They are GMO free and Gluten free!  It is so awesome to be a part of this company and this opportunity of a lifetime!  If you ever want to know more about this company and its products please take a look around on my website or message me, and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have!  So here is My Plexus Website, go check it out and see what it is all about!  I love my yummy Plexus Pink Drink! 

Either way, I am so very thankful for my SIL, for introducing me to Plexus and how it is changing my life and hers and our families lives and so many others, all for the better!  So either way, she needed a special birthday card!  So I took on the challenge and made another bendy card!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great day!


January Birthdays!

Okay, so these two were made for some very special people in my families life.  One was for our Pastor's wife and the other was for our Assistant Pastor.  They share the same birthday month as I do!  They are both such Godly people and people to look up to.  So here is their cards!  Oh, and I LOVE the Ornamental Ironwork 2 Cricut Cartridge! 

Thanks for stopping and by and I hope your day is filled with many blessings!

Baby Stroller Mobile

I am so sorry, I have not posted in a while.  Even though I have not posted in a while, doesn't mean that I have not been making my cards and crafts.  I am still very busy doing them, it just takes time to post and share them, and its seems as of lately, I just have not had that.  Anyways, so I will share with you a bunch of cards in the next few post that I have made.  Enjoy!

So this one was made for a cousins baby shower, and we knew she was having a girl, so that is why it was pink.  Plus the baby carriage, was an Action Wobble.  The inside had a pop-up part that was so very simple to make.  Looks like a baby mobile!  I think the whole card turned out so pretty! 
Thanks so much for being patient with me and I hope you have a fantastic day!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Craftyness for Christmas!

So this Christmas, my teenage daughters and I bonded and had fun doing some crafts together for Christmas gifts.  So I will start with my big project which totally involved all three of us and lots of patience.  So let me start with a little history of why.
In 2014 my wonderful empty nesters of In-laws decided to become foster parents.  God put 4 little children into their lives overnight.  They are a challenge and a lot of work.  Their ages ranged from 3months old to 7yrs. old, and they come from a horrific background of abuse.  We have all as a family, pitched in and helped them out whenever we can and have truly loved on them as if they were our own.  Well, there is a chance that they may be leaving our family soon, after having them for nearly 9 months.  So I wanted to make something of a "keepsake" of these children for my in -laws.  All I could think of doing was, salt dough handprints and putting them into a shadow box frame with some kind of quote on the glass, in vinyl.  So we "borrowed" each child for a few hours to let them put their handprint into the dough, then once they were baked, we let them paint them up the way they wanted (except the baby of course).  The amazing part was that none of the kids squealed at all for almost 2 weeks before Christmas.  It was a total surprise for my in-laws!  Their was not a dry eye in the room, and even now I still tear up a bit, remembering their reaction to it.  The kids were very proud of their handprints too.  The quote says: "You've held our hands for a little while, but our hearts forever..."  So here is a few pictures of the work we put into this wonderful project for some AMAZING in-laws!


I think they liked it!
Now onto our other projects!
My oldest daughter is very close to her cousins and has a great relationship with them all, but one of them just recently got married very quickly due to her fiancĂ© being deployed.  I posted about their wedding day in a previous post here: Wedding Bells.  My niece greatly misses her husband and only gets to talk to him maybe once a week.  So we wanted to make something extra special for her and her special day.  So she decided to make her coasters that we decoupaged some wedding pictures to some tiles and sealed them with a clear coat and put adhesive felt on the back to protect the table surfaces.  We also, made a monogram for 2 of them on my Cricut Explore, with vinyl and did the same of sealing them too.  They turned out beautiful!  My niece cried when she saw the pictures and so did we.  This Christmas was full of sentimental gifts for many!  Check them out!
Aren't they beautiful!
Anyways, next she wanted to make the same thing for one of her other cousins that she is really close to, also!  But she kept it simple, yet they turned out so beautiful too!  We just decoupaged some pretty paper to the tiles and then did her monogram on 2 and then her name on the other 2 with my Cricut Explore.  I really liked them so much, I wanted to keep them, except that none our names are Kimberly!  That would be a little weird!  LOL
Anyways, here they are!
Aren't they adorable!
Okay the next project she did was for another cousin that she is very close to, also!  I know, I know, how many can she possibly have that she is really close to?  Well, there is just the three.  So this is the last of these!  LOL  She went a little different route on this one, a very fun and creative one.  This particular cousin is always posting private messages back and forth and sharing funny little videos on Instagram.  The three are all from one side of my family and they are more like best friends than cousins.  Anyways, she came up with the idea to make up a frame to look like Instagram and they even have their own cute little hash tag!  So here is her adorable frame that she painted up and then I made their hash tag up on my Cricut Explore in vinyl.  I think it also, turned out so cute!  She did a fantastic job!
Here it is with the my daughter on the left and two of her cousins!  Didn't it turn out so cute!
We did several other little projects, but I think you get the point that we were very busy, and had a wonderful Christmas with everyone!
Again, thanks for stopping in and seeing what we did this year for Christmas.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be filled with many blessings!

My New to Me Craft Space

 I am so very excited to share with you all, there has been some new developments here at Eastunders Creations! I used to have my crafty little corner in my beautiful but tiny dining room but as most of you know what happens after a while...your supplies start to grow as your "needs" grow.  So before you knew it, I was taking over my dining room and it didn't look to purtty!   And if I was working on a project of any kind, it would all end up on the table.  Then in the middle of these projects, I would have to stop and make a meal and have to quickly clean off my table, so that we could use the table for eating!  Who would have ever thought of that!  LOL  Plus, I was just plain outgrowing my "corner"!  So this past spring, we had our basement waterproofed to stop the flooding that happened 2 times the year before.  Our house was built in the 1920's so waterproofing the basement was not a concern.  So I waited to see how things went before I put my precious paper and machine down there.  Kinda a wait and see, kind of thing!  I still am not totally trusting of it all, but it seems to be working just fine.  It is nice to have a rainstorm and not have to be stressed that the basement may flood...again and then wonder what am I going to loose this time...   Who would have thought that a storage tote full of books would float upside down and fill up with water!   Anyways, we have plans to kinda finish part of the basement in the future.  So the front area was kinda sitting empty till we have the "funds" to do that.  So I decided to reclaim my dining room and to stake my claim on the basement area for my craft room.  It is a work in progress and a little rough, but it is working for me right now.  I have much bigger and more grand ideas for it, but with what I came up with, I don't think it is to shabby!  I saved the old bookshelf that was put in the garage years ago, and was just collecting saw dust and not being used.  Then my wonderful hubby helped me make a better system for my table top by adding some "legs" to help it be more sturdy.  I borrowed the "camping table" for a little extra work space...but I think the kids and my hubby like it for other things.  We had two computer chairs that just don't look to nice anymore or something was wrong with the mechanics of them, they were in the garage for years, so I salvaged them, too.  So now I have a more comfy chair to sit in, instead of a "card table" chair.  Yay!  Plus, I had an old area rug that was a little frayed on the one edge, so I threw that down on the old uneven half painted old floor to help warm up the space.  I put some unused lamps down there to help soften the bright white glow of the florescent lighting.  Then also my wonderful hubby had an unused shop light that he hung right over my desk area for the extra lighting that was lacking greatly over it!  I think he is happy to have the dining room back too!  What has been kinda funny now, is that every time I am down there working on something, it seems everyone ends up down there with me.  Either they like the "cozy" environment that I have created, or maybe they just like being with me!   Yeah, it is just the room!  LOL

Just a Few More Christmas Cards 2014

Hello everyone!  Did you think I got lost?  I disappeared for a while, but not from my crafting, but just from my blog.  So much has been going on as of lately and I just have not had the time to sit down and post.  So just a quick post of a few more Christmas cards I made for this past Christmas of 2014.  I made a bunch more but didn't even have time to take pictures of them all.  I was very busy in my "New" to me craft area. Pictures of that coming soon!  Anyways, during this time I also got a new machine to craft with!  I got the new Cricut Explore!  I LOVE it so far!  I put it through a lot of "tests" to see what it could do, and man can it cut!  It handled the very detailed cuts with ease, which is what I was hoping for!  So I put it through good use, through the Christmas season and kept it busy!  My craft room was a constant buzz of papers, vinyl, paint brushes, Mod Podge and such things were a flying around!  It was crazy, but fun!  So you can imagine how messy it got...or maybe not, maybe I am the only one who didn't have time to clean up until after Christmas...Nah, there has got to be others out there with the same problem.  Anyways, here is just a few more cards that I put together from my friends and family for Christmas!  Enjoy!

I love how these all turned out!  I have many more things to post and share with you all, so be patient and keep stopping by to see what they are!  Thanks for stopping in and I hope you all stay warm and cozy this winter!