I am sorry to post this, but if you have had a pet and had to put it down, you will relate to this, but this may upset you. So please read at your own discretion.
I hate to share this but I feel I must...I have had to make a very difficult decision, for the very first time in my life, and it probably is one of the hardest ones I have ever made. Last Friday (Good Friday), I had to put down my almost 18 year old, ever constant, companion, my cat. He has been with us since our 1st. wedding anniversary. He has watched children come into our lives and seen our family move into a new home. He always greeted me in the morning with a sweet loud "meow", like as if to say, "It is about time you got up!". Always, about 9 or 10am he was ready to play tag/fetch...I think he thought he was a dog or sometimes a person. He tolerated the kids pretty good but never to long on the teasing part. He was my sweet companion and I miss him terribly.
He started aging pretty fast in the last year or so, but mostly in the past few weeks. In the past 6 months he had been extremely cuddly, which was unusual for him. He got to the point that he had a favorite blanket and he loved sitting on anyone who sat on the couch with that blanket. But his age really started creeping up on him. His hind legs started getting pretty stiff and he had a hard time getting around. But suddenly he went from being a little stiff to a lot stiff, then he couldn't hardly walk and stopped eating and such in just a matter of a couple of days. Then he couldn't lift his head anymore, and I knew I did not want my friend to suffer, but yet I didn't want to let him go. But I knew it was time to let him go, but that was so hard to do. I don't know if I will ever have a pet put down again or not, and I don't even know if I will ever have a pet inside again, either. My kids hearts were broken when I told them what we had to do. One kid was angry and yet crying and one was wailing to the other was emotionless. We had him put down and had him put in a box with some of his ever favorite toys (pipe cleaners) and my youngest made a quick goodbye card to put in his box. Then we took him to my in-law's farm and buried him right under a tree. Oh how this has been so very difficult for me. I never realized how much he has become a constant part of our lives until now that he is gone. I guess the old saying, "You never know what you've got ,until it is gone.", is so very true. I miss seeing him on the chair and hearing his meow, and feeling his cuddly soft fur. When I was lonely he was there to pet and love on. Oh how I miss him. I never dreamed I would have him this long...and I was raised on a small farm, so kittens would come and go without much thought, so having a cat for nearly 18 years was just unreal to me. I didn't think I would be this attached to him. I loved him because he was my first "child". I remember saying to my new hubby, that if I could keep him alive, then I think I can take care of children and raise children. Well apparently I did well, and I have successfully cared for him so that he could have a full life. Thank you God for giving him to me. He was a precious little furry gift of joy and love. I miss him and I will always love him.

He always loved Christmas time to sleep under the Christmas tree!
This was after a time of playing roughly with me and exhausted himself so much, and is sleeping on his favorite chair with his favorite blanket!
Rest in peace my dear sweet kitty! I will always love you and miss you!
I hope that this post doesn't upset you all to much.
Thank you all so very much for being patient and letting me share my morning of him with you.